Terms and conditions
When you make a purchase on detblaakartel.dk or detblaakartel.com, you accept the terms and conditions below.
To make a purchase in our shop, you must be 18 years old. You can still make a purchase if you are not 18 years old, but you must be granted permission from a parent or a legal guardian. If you are under the age of 18 and you make a purchase without permission from a parent or a legal guardian, we disclaim all responsibility, as it is stated above that the purchaser must be 18 years of age or have a parent’s or a legal guardian’s consent to make a purchase in our shop.
When you place an order in our shop, you submit your name, billing address, delivery address and e-mail address.
All prices in the shop include 25% Danish VAT. We reserve the right to change any price without notice. If we suspect payment fraud, we will reserve the right to cancel your order.
Regarding the content and information on the site, we do not make any warranties of the accuracy. However, we do our best to keep the site up to date. All content is protected by copyright and are property of Groenholdt / Det Blaa Kartel. Therefore, you must request permission to use the content on the site.
Det Blaa Kartel is owned by Groenholdt and is registered in Denmark with the following address: Groenholdt, Else Alfelts Vej 72A, 2. mf., 2300 Copenhagen S. VAT-number: DK34025789.